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SpinnerChief API Parameter Not Working

ReplyThanks 2020/03/22 09:04:01 0 0

Hi, I am trying to use SpinnerChief API for my projects but the parameter is not working. This is the url that I use


The problem is it replace the original words

[year] is the best time to get free [mainCurrency] from [gamename] generator


[year] {is the greatest} {time and energy to} get free [mainCurrency] from [gamename] generator

Why the original words are deleted, I need to keep into something like this (this is what I excpect!)

[year] {is the best time|is the greatest} {time to|time and energy to} get free [mainCurrency] from [gamename] generator

Please kindly help me, I thought there is problem with the API.

Lily Brown
2020/03/24 18:16:53
I have feedback this issue to the programmer, he will consider optimizing the API function.Please wait for the news.Or you can also contact [email protected] to learn about the progress.
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