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HTML Files From Folder

ReplyThanks 2014/11/16 06:49:43 0 0


As I know BotChiefEditor can read in random HTML files from "article" folder, but I don't know how to set it to fill form with html articles?

Another question:

Is it possible to grab articles from localhost server (localhost/articles/index.php) and paste them in a form of web 2.0... At localhost/articles/index.php I have random script written in PHP to generate different articles with unique spun content (wordai API), pictures, links etc..

So the easiest way is to grab-parse all content from localhost and put a whole page into form of web web 2.0, but I can't figure how to do that

Thank you

2014/11/17 22:57:29

BotChief can do this for you. It is very easy to do in fact.

We will have the manual ready in few days, then you will know how to do it.

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